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When you embark on your discipleship training school (DTS) outreach phase with YWAM San Diego/Baja, be prepared for international mission trips that will change your life and your perspective.

Check out this first-hand account of the transformation that can occur on DTS outreach with words and photos from Daniel Swickward, a graduate of our Compassion in Action DTS.

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God's Beautiful Creation

On my DTS Outreach, a friend and I hiked up one of the mountains with the hope of seeing the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas. To the locals it was a hill, but it was definitely a mountain for us.

We climbed higher with our guide, the clouds kept coming, and, eventually, all the peaks were covered. As we hiked, I started praying, "God, please remove the clouds so we can see your grand and beautiful creation."

I prayed, but the clouds never moved.

All of a sudden, these kids came running out of their houses screaming at us. They were so excited to see us! We gave them some snacks, asked their names, and played and laughed with them. As we were there, God powerfully spoke to me on that mountain.

The peals of the Himalayas aren't God's perfect creation. It's not the hills, the valleys, or even the rivers. His grandeur doesn't reflect in the waters of lakes or oceans. In reality, it's in His people; in these children, his precious and beautiful creation.

We didn't hike up there to see a giant ice-covered rock. Our job was to see the ones He gave up His life for. The beauty of the Himalayas is but a shadow to its people. They are so loving and kind, humble and generous. They are crazy hard workers and maybe have the strongest necks of any people I've ever met. They always put others first. They would never eat until we had our fill first.

They are beautifully created in God's very image. As God created each piece of the universe, He called it good. It wasn't until he made mankind in His image that He called it very good. We are His beautiful creation.

Do a DTS with YWAM San Diego/Baja Today

Interested in doing a DTS with us? Embark on a mission trip experience like no other and take the first step toward your lifetime of missions. Apply for our DTS today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Our DTS

Where are the Himalayas?

The Himalayas are a vast mountain range in Asia, spanning several countries including India, Nepal, Bhutan, China (Tibet), and Pakistan.

These majestic mountains form a natural boundary between the Indian subcontinent and the Tibetan Plateau. The Himalayas are renowned for their towering peaks, including Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth, as well as for their cultural and ecological significance.

What are the DTS Outreach Destinations?

The second half of our Discipleship Training School is called the outreach phase. This 8-week period consists of short-term mission trips to communities unfamiliar with God's story.

Here, our young adults turned international volunteers/disciples, will put the skills they learned at one of our stunning DTS campuses to work to meet the immediate physical and spiritual needs of those around them. Perform mission work, build a personal relationship with incredible people around the world, and minister to the nations.

Possible DTS outreach locations include communities within the following areas:

  • Europe

  • Southeast Asia

  • Latin America

  • The Caribbean

  • Africa

What is a Mission Trip?

A mission trip typically refers to a journey taken by individuals or groups, ranging from high school students and youth groups to college students and adult groups. Mission trips are often organized by churches or religious organizations, to serve communities in need, spread religious teachings, and promote cultural exchange.

Summer mission trips are common, but a YWAM mission trip can occur during the summer, spring, winter, or fall, depending on when your DTS outreach session falls. Our mission trips involve international experiences where participants travel to various destinations globally to engage in humanitarian work, community service, and discipleship.

Our trips are focused on bringing the teachings of Jesus Christ to new communities to foster spiritual growth and understanding among participants, while also addressing social issues.

Mission trips provide opportunities to immerse oneself in diverse cultures, learn from local communities, and contribute to positive change through acts of kindness and compassion, promoting empathy and understanding across borders and beliefs.

Why are International Mission Trips Important?

International mission trips are crucial for spreading the gospel and addressing the spiritual needs of the world.

Some 2.2 billion people will live and die and never hear the name of Jesus or experience His love for them. These mission trips play a vital role in reaching these previously unreached communities. They offer opportunities to volunteer abroad and step out of your comfort zone to make a tangible difference in people's lives.

These experiences are often life-changing, both for the DTS students and local residents, deepening faith and fostering personal growth. By providing humanitarian aid and ministering the Gospel, international missions are a critical step in practicing powerful discipleship.

What is DTS and When Can I Go?

DTS is the flagship program of YWAM San Diego/Baja, a global Christian disciple-making organization.

Our mission training experience lasts six months and consists of two main phases: the campus phase and the outreach phase.

During the campus phase, participants engage in intensive discipleship training, including daily worship, practical skills training, small group discussions, self-reflection, and our unique elective courses tailored to students' personal interests. The outreach phase involves putting what they've learned into practice through a hands-on mission trip to a foreign country or another location where they can serve communities in need.

DTS is a great Christian gap year program for recent graduates seeking a meaningful gap year experience. However, you can join a DTS program at various times throughout the year, as we run multiple DTS sessions at both of our diverse campuses just south of the U.S./Mexico border.

Want to know more about YWAM San Diego/Baja's DTS? Check out our comprehensive DTS FAQ for even more details and answers to your most burning DTS questions.

Are you interested in doing a Discipleship Training School with us? Check out options and more information HERE.


YWAM Mission Trips: Revelation in the Himalayas