
Compassion in Action DTS Info | YWAM San Diego Baja

Compassion DTS

Jesus pursued the marginalized, the outcast, the sick, and the oppressed. take the compassion dts track and learn how to have compassion in action to minister and share the gospel with those Jesus loves.

apply today!


Compassion in Action DTS Info | YWAM San Diego Baja

Compassion DTS

Jesus pursued the marginalized, the outcast, the sick, and the oppressed. take the compassion dts track and learn how to have compassion in action to minister and share the gospel with those Jesus loves.

apply today!

Engaging a Broken World with God’s Generosity

Looking at the Gospels, we see that Jesus always had compassion for everyone he encountered. Jesus has shown us the true definition of compassion - not just feeling empathy towards people but putting action to the heart of God through serving the least and the lost. The Compassion DTS track focuses on equipping you in practical ways to take everyday steps in being the hands and feet of Jesus to the nations!

Love God


love people


Love God 〰️ love people 〰️

Course Details Dates:

Apr 11th - Aug 30, 2024 at San Antonio Del Mar campus

Sept. 19, 2024 - Feb. 14, 2025 at San Antonio Del Mar campus

Jan. 9 - May 29, 2024 at our Ensenada campus

Cost of Compassion DTS

The cost of YWAM San Diego/Baja’s Campus Phase is $3,495, which includes tuition, food, housing, and learning materials. We do offer partial scholarships for students from Latin America.

The cost of the Outreach Phase can vary depending on the destination and the airfare, but lodging, food, and transportation for the 2-month trip typically costs between $2,500-$4,500.

Language: English & Spanish


Outreach Locations may include Europe, AsiaLatin America.

Matthew 9:35-38

“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

What is the Compassion DTS?

YWAM San Diego/Baja’s Discipleship Training School is an accredited university-level course through the University of the Nations that is five months long.

Want to know more about our campus and our schools? Follow us on Instagram and TikTok!

You and your fellow students will participate in a three-month Campus Phase, including life-impacting teaching, daily devotionals, and powerful worship and prayer times with our YWAM community. 

Our campuses are located in the beautiful Baja region of Mexico, just south of San Diego and the U.S. border.

After the 3-month Campus Phase, you will be sent out on a 2-month cross-cultural outreach trip to share and minister the good news of Jesus Christ! In the Outreach Phase, you will learn how to daily pursue and obey God as you serve as his hands and feet!

A new DTS starts every fall, winter, and spring on either our San Antonio Del Mar or Ensenada campus. Both DTS are offered in English and Spanish, with locations only a few minutes walk from the beach.


Compassion in Action DTS Lecture | YWAM San Diego Baja

Campus Phase


Compassion in Action DTS Lecture | YWAM San Diego Baja

Campus Phase


Campus Phase

Our DTS starts with a three-month Campus Phase where students discover more about God while surrounded by God's beauty in beautiful Baja California, Mexico, just south of San Diego. 

The core of the DTS is to become equipped in knowing God and making him known. This comes through classes, personal devotions, times of prayer and worship, serving in our local communities, and being part of the YWAM community on campus. DTS tracks are designed to give you training in the passions that God has given you in addition to the core of the Disicpleship Training School.

When you choose the Compassion DTS, you will learn to cultivate a life of intimacy with God that provokes us to share His love with the world!

Each week in the DTS, students will have a new guest speaker and topic. Throughout the week, students will have opportunities to worship, pray, and read through the Bible together.

In the Compassion track, students will also hear from local ministry leaders on different areas that we as followers of Jesus are called to respond to with his love (these could include topics such as poverty, human trafficking, refugee crisis, etc.). The Compassion track aims to transform empathy into action - so after learning about an area of need, students will have the opportunity to serve directly in that area in some way!

YWAM San Diego/Baja is a perfect location for the Compassion track because of the many ministries operating out of our campuses. Students will have the opportunity to serve and put what they learn in the classroom to practice from week one!

Students live in a close-knit community with one another and encourage one another to grow in their walk with the Lord.  

There is also time to meet in small groups, and the opportunity to be personally mentored, encouraged, and discipled by our YWAM staff.

Compassion DTS topics may include:

  • The Father Heart of God

  • Godly Relationships

  • Missions

  • Hearing God’s Voice

  • Evangelism

  • Worship, Intercession, and Spiritual Warfare

  • Identity and Calling

  • The Gospel

  • The Power of the Bible

  • God’s Nature & Character: Who God is and What He is Like

  • God’s Intention for Individuals, People, and Creation: Seeing Life From God’s Perspective

  • God’s Redemption: Sin & The Cross: Seeing Jesus as Lord

  • God’s Family: His Children & His Church: Becoming More Like Jesus

  • God’s World: His Call & His Commission: Doing the Works of Jesus

  • Our Response to God: Knowing God, Making Him Known


Compassion in Action DTS Outreach | YWAM San Diego Baja

Outreach Phase


Compassion in Action DTS Outreach | YWAM San Diego Baja

Outreach Phase


Outreach Phase

Once the Campus Phase is complete, take what you learned in the Compassion DTS classroom into immediate real-world practice in the Outreach Phase. 

During this 8-week missions trip, you’ll travel to a cross-cultural destination to apply the concepts you learned during the Campus Phase and share the Gospel with the lost and the least. As you dive deeper into a vibrant relationship with God, you’ll find the joy of following Jesus through serving those he loves!

Outreach activities vary but may include: evangelism, serving the poor, ministering to orphans, praying over cities, preaching and encouraging local churches, and more. As you grow in your relationship with God throughout both phases of the DTS, you will also grow in your capacity to obey his voice and follow him to the alls and the everys!

Possible outreach locations include Europe, Asia & Latin America.

Want to learn more about our Compassion DTS or our other electives? Check out our DTS FAQ for the inside scoop on all things DTS.

How does compassion fit into discipleship?

Jesus said that the greatest commandment in all of Scripture is this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…and love your neighbor as yourself.” - Matthew 22:37-39

As a follower of Jesus, there is no distinction between our love for God and our love for people! Throughout DTS you will cultivate a heart of love for God and will naturally show compassion to his people as a result!

By serving and pouring out our lives so that others might have the opportunity to know Christ, we are following Jesus’ example of compassion put into action. Jesus said, “If any of you wishes to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, you must become the servant of all” - and he lived it out in his ministry and submission to the cross for us!

If you are ready to lay down your agendas and pursue the will of the Father as Jesus did, the Compassion track is for you!

Apply for Compassion DTS Today!

Join YWAM San Diego/Baja’s incredible discipleship training school experience today in three easy steps.

  1. Create an account and fill out our online application.

  2. Submit your application fee of $45 U.S.

  3.  Fill out your health form.

Once we receive and review your completed application, a member of our registrar team will reach out and walk you through the rest of the application process. In the meantime, get answers to all of your DTS questions from our DTS FAQ.